Monday, February 22, 2021

The Initial Build

Building the Cuckoo Condo had a bit of a tricky start. We started with our list of requirements:

  • had to stand up to winds, up to 30 MPH (we found our greenhouse about a quarter mile away)
  • our yard has a steep slope, roughly rising 2" every 12"
  • automatic door
  • maintenance door
  • access to a run (short-term and long-term)
  • sloped roof for rain capture option (no asphalt shingle so captured water is potable)
  • high enough for a run or underrun
  • built-in ventilation
  • accommodation for a 1' deep litter method
  • nest boxes are to be modular, the hens are used to a particular nest box, just moving it into the coop should help make for a smooth transition.

Getting started and how to start. The steep slope was a challenge. Do we dig out a level area? Do we build a retaining wall? To we put the structure on posts?

We wound up with putting the structure on posts. And using the purchased size of the 4'x8' plywood, instead of cutting it to the size of the coop, we kept it as it is for the platform which allows us to have a porch for the condo.

The roof panels are 2'x6', with a longer overhang on the back. This is to help keep the access to the maintenance door a little more dry. Adding in a Lacross Technology Weather Station to manage our guess work on the weather conditions around the coop.

The entry ramp to the condo is attached with a French cleat. This allows for easy removal for maintenance of the porch while serving as a sturdy ramp, especially if they jump on and off of it. The porch floor, btw, has a layer of thin plywood. Also for easy maintenance as we can easily replace it as it wears out.

The automatic coop door doesn't have any safety features. So we have to make sure the timer is set for well after we know they'll be inside.

A stand is built for the waterer and heater. The heater kicks in around 35F and provides about 1-2F additional warmth in the coop.

The nest boxes are on a storage box. Going with a deep litter, the nest boxes needed to be propped up and off the floor. Haven't figured out what to put in the storage box yet.

#coopbuild #diycoop #backyardchickens #byccoop

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